New York Injury News

Two New York injury accidents in close vicinity

Syracuse, New York ( — A New York man was injured on June 12th in a morning accident as reported to the state police of Clearfield. The accident took place at around 4:14 in the morning near the mile marker of 108.5. On Ridgewood, a 45 year old man and Jerry Wardalski, Brooklyn, were driving in the west direction of the right line of traffic.

The man of the Ridgewood lost control and strike the vehicle of Wardalski. The hit to the Wardalski’s vehicle took him towards the right and stopped facing the west direction. The man of the Ridgewood came to halt in the lane of right direction, also having his face towards the west.

The Ridgewood man was suddenly taken to the Altoona regional so that he could be treated of the moderate injuries he suffered from and it was found that Wardalski did not suffer from any injuries. The local police was assisted by Clearfield Emergency Medical Services, Lawrence Township Fire Department and PennDOT at the place where the accident occurred.

It has been said that this careless driving will be filed against with traffic citation and the inquiry will continue. According to the police, this road accident created another accident in a nearby mile marker. The accident occurred along the Interstate 80 at around 4:18 in the morning. McNicholas, Janesville was stopped in the right lane as an accident occurred before him. He started driving to the left lane when a 2005 Freightliner attacked him from behind.

McNicholas did not suffer any injuries as he was wearing his seat belt. As reported by the police, the Freightliner driver died due to the accident. Both the accidents took place due to negligence in driving on the part of either of the vehicle drivers. Road accidents are on a high verge in New York these days. Laws have to be made strict so as to reduce the level of accidents that took place each day.

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