New York Injury News

New York Medical Malpractice Attorney Robert G. Sullivan Explains the Medical Considerations for Vaginal Deliveries after Cesarean Section

In this article, Robert G. Sullivan, Esq. of New York describes the risks and benefits of a natural baby delivery following an earlier delivery by Cesarean Section.  This article is the first in a series on this important and emerging issue in obstetrical medicine and the field of medical malpractice.

As a New York medical malpractice attorney, I have handled a number of cases involving complications from an attempt to deliver vaginally after a prior delivery by Cesarean Section.  With the increasing rate of deliveries of babies by Cesarean Section, the opportunity for a natural deliver poses an important decision for an expectant mother.  It is understandable that she would desire, if possible, a normal vaginal birth.

At the same time, a patient should be mindful of the significant risks associated with a vaginal delivery after a prior Cesarean Section (Using shorthand, physicians and hospitals refer to such a delivery as “VBAC”).

The decision to proceed with a natural delivery after one, or more, Cesarean deliveries should not be reached hastily by a patient and her physician.The primary benefit of VBAC is the lack of open, abdominal surgery. Not having surgery performed may result in a shorter hospital stay after delivery.  There are no risks of blood loss or infection, complications that may accompany surgery. On the other hand, however, the risks of VBAC, although low in the right patient, are serious and significant.  These risks include life-threatening, disabling and disfiguring injuries.  These injuries will be described in a further article.The risks of such injuries must be explained in detail to an expectant mother. In addition, during the delivery, these risks must be managed appropriately by physicians and hospital staff.   The failure to take such steps may result in injuries to the mother and baby, and could give rise to a medical malpractice lawsuit.If you had one or more previous Cesarean deliveries, and sustained injuries during a later vaginal delivery, you should consult with a medical malpractice attorney.  An experienced New York medical malpractice attorney will explain your rights under law and describe what is required to present a claim for negligence against doctors and hospitals.  A skilled medical malpractice attorney will obtain all of your medical records, including the labor and delivery chart, and arrange for a review of them by medical experts in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.  Such reviews may form the basis of a medical malpractice action.

Robert G. Sullivan, Esq. of New York  is a skilled medical malpractice attorney and practicing New York medical malpractice attorney
55 Mineola Boulevard
Mineola, NY 11501
Phone: 516-742-0707
Fax: 516-742-7350
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