In this article, Robert G. Sullivan, Esq. of New York describes the risks and benefits of a natural baby delivery following an earlier delivery by Cesarean Section. This article is the first in a series on this important and emerging issue in obstetrical medicine and the field of medical malpractice. As a New York medical […]
By Christopher T. McGrath, Esq. – In New York, many people assume that when they are injured by a drunk driver, their only recourse is to bring an action against that individual. This is not always the case. If prior to the collision, the intoxicated individual was sold drinks by another individual or establishment while he […]
In this first article of a two part car accident legal series, New York trial attorney Christopher T McGrath educates on the topic of court rulings in regards to jury verdicts holding a party negligent, but not liable for the causation of the auto accident. By Christopher T McGrath, Esq. The auto case goes to […]
In this insightful article, New York trial attorney Vito A Cannavo, Esq. discusses the release of misinformation and how it may result in liability for negligence in a commercial setting under New York law. By Vito A. Cannavo, Esq When can the careless provision of misinformation give rise to liability? Surprisingly, the issue has not […]
By Christopher T. McGrath, Esq. -In this article, New York lawyer Christopher McGrath describes the circumstances when a victim of a car accident must repay liens following the settlement of a lawsuit. In New York, the settlement of a lawsuit may require the repayment of all or a portion of workers compensation benefits previously […]
In this article, Vito Cannavo Esq., a New York trial attorney experienced in premise liability litigation explains the special duty rule and how this provision can be applied in a municipal liability case. By Vito A Cannavo, Esq. Municipal defendants are prone to argue that they cannot be held liable for “governmental” conduct unless they […]
In this second article in a series on the subject of natural childbirth for mothers who previously delivered via Cesarean section, New York lawyer Robert G. Sullivan, Esq. explains that the rupture of the uterus is the most serious risk. With the option of vaginal delivery being made available to mothers who previously delivered via […]
In this revealing article, Christopher T. McGrath, Esq. explains how New York State’s highest court tackles the issue of vicarious liability, a legal doctrine that holds one party responsible for the negligence of a second party, in the context of businesses and motor vehicle accidents. In an earlier article, I explained how a business that […]
In this article, New York lawyer Vito Cannavo, Esq. warns patrons of amusement parks and other recreational facilities not to assume that the “boilerplate” release printed on admission tickets bars them from bringing a lawsuit if they suffer injuries. By Vito A. Cannavo, Esq. Many places of public amusement or recreation require the patron to […]
In this informative piece, Christopher T. McGrath, Esq. describes the circumstances under which a business may become liable for the actions of a driver, even if the driver is not a direct employee. Many New York attorneys are unaware that a business that hires a vehicle and driver from a second business may become vicariously […]