New York Injury News

New York Personal Injury Report – Queens father, son killed in jet ski accident

New York personal injury lawyers release an injury report – Father and Son from Queens are killed riding Yamaha Jet Ski Saturday afternoon in Crooked Creek located in Nassau County.

Queens, NY ( — At the Crooked Creek near Lawrence, NY a father and his son were riding thier Yamaha wave runner and crashed into a dock nearby, announced the New York Post.  Police officials found the 42 year-old father, Roopnarine Gopaul, floating face down in the water, when paramedics picked him up to transport him to the hospital where he was declared dead later that evening.

His 5-year old son was discovered wedged in between the flipped Jet Ski and the wooden dock where he was found to be severely injured. After being rescued from a watery grave, the boy was transported to Nassau University Medical Center, where he was treated for hypothermia and severe head wounds, which later proved to be fatal.

Gopaul was reported to have more than ten years experience maneuvering a wave runner. The family is still in shock that this horrific accident happened to them, sources said.  The family claimed that Gopul was a very cautious when he drove his Jet Ski.

It is speculated that the cause of this tragic wreck was due to a possible mechanical malfunction. Another questionable factor is Gopaul’s diabetes was cause for the crash. Detectives are considering all of the possible factors to determine the cause of this tragedy.

Bridget Hom


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