Connecticut medical malpractice – Hartford Hospital sued!

New Source: JusticeNewsFlash.comLegal news for Connecticut medical malpractice attorneys. The Hartford Hospital and a physician are being sued for deviating from the standard of care. Connecticut medical malpractice attorney-Lawsuit accuses Hartford Hospital and emergency room physician of not properly treating a suicidal risk patient. Hartford, CT—The estate of a deceased patient is suing the Hartford […]

Lawsuit accuses California cemetery of moving remains!

New Source: Legal news for California general litigation attorneys. A Mission Hills cemetery is being sued for opening vaults and loosing bodies. California lawyers alert- A class action lawsuit accuses Eden Memorial Park of disturbing burial plots. Santa Maria, CA—A class action lawsuit accuses a Jewish cemetery, Eden Memorial Park, and its parent company, […]

The Fray sues manager over song copyrights!

New Source: Legal news for Colorado entertainment attorneys. The Fray songwriting duo sues manager over copyrights to their songs. Colorado entertainment lawyers alerts- Two songwriters from The Fray filed a lawsuit against their manager over song copyrights. Denver, CO—Two songwriters from the band, The Fray, filed a lawsuit against their manager, Gregg Latterman, over […]

Nebraska personal injury – University of Nebraska-Lincoln fraternity sued!

New Source: JusticeNewsFlash.comLegal news for Nebraska personal injury attorneys. Sigma Chi fraternity accused of hazing activities. Nebraska personal injury lawyers alerts-A lawsuit accuses Sigma Chi fraternity at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln of hazing pledges. Lincoln, NE—The Sigma Chi fraternity at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), fourteen Sigma Chi members, the fraternities building corporation, and its […]

Georgia construction accident – Fulton County logger dead on his Chattahoochee Hills property

New Source: JusticeNewsFlash.comLegal news for Georgia construction accident attorneys. A logger was killed on his property after a tree fell on top of him. Georgia construction accident lawyer alerts-A worker was left dead after a pine tree fell on him. Atlanta, GA—A fallen tree left a Fulton County logger dead on his Chattahoochee Hills property. […]