Massachusetts hospitals sued!

New Source: Five major Massachusetts hospitals were named in class action lawsuits filings for failure to pay their employees. Massachusetts employment law attorneys alert-lawyers file class action lawsuits against 5 massachusetts hospitals claiming they failed to pay employees. Boston, MA–Boston and Worcester federal courts received proposed class-action lawsuit filings against five major health care […]

California county discriminates against deaf woman?

New Source: JusticeNewsFlash.comGovernment lawyers with the Justice Department sue Ventura County for violating employment rights of deaf woman. Government attorneys charge Ventura County officials with discrimination in employment practices under the American Disabilities Act. Government attorneys with the United States Justice Department file suit against Ventura County California claiming violations of the American Disabilities Act. […]

Employment law news: Texas jury returns $992,500 age discrimination verdict

New Source: JusticeNewsFlash.comHost International, Inc., was ordered to pay close to $1 million in damages after firing a former restaurant manager in an age discrimination lawsuit. Host International is contracted by El Paso International Airport to provide food and beverage services. Texas employment law attorneys recover million dollar jury verdict against Host International, Inc., an […]

Ohio Attorney General continues lawsuits against lenders!

New Source: Ohio Attorney General announced plans to continue to file lawsuits against mortgage companies for mishandling troubled homeowner loans. Ohio government lawyers crusade against unsavory business practices by lenders to stop the foreclosure crisis. Ohio business litigation attorney-Ohio Attorney General will sue mortgage companies for unfair business practices that increased foreclosure rates. Columbus, […]

New Orleans Lawyers file 150 toxic Chinese dry wall lawsuits!

New Source: JusticeNewsFlash.comFederal court records indicate hundreds of lawsuits claiming injuries and damages from toxic Chinese drywall will receive class action suit status in New Orleans. Louisiana product liability lawyers-Class action suit in New Orleans federal court for defective drywall made in China causing health problems and home damages. New Orleans, LA–Chinese drywall has become […]