Hialeah Florida substance abuse: 10 young teens abuse cold meds at school, OD

New Source: JusticeNewsFlash.comLegal News for Florida Personal Injury Attorneys. Ten Hialeah Middle School students were transported to area hospitals after overdosing on cough medications. Florida personal injury lawyer alert- Ten middle school students from Hialeah, FL taken to hospitals for drug overdoses due to abuse of over-the-counter medications. Hialeah, FL—Almost a dozen middle school students […]

Jefferson County Indiana aviation accident: Pilot/doctor killed in plane wreck

New Source: JusticeNewsFlash.comLegal News for Indiana Aviation Accident Attorneys. A small plane crashed into a southern Indiana field near the Madison Municipal Airport, killing the pilot on impact. News for Indiana aviation accident lawyers- FAA to probe fatal plane crash that killed pilot in Jefferson County, Indiana. Jefferson County, IN—An elderly and well-known pilot was […]

University Park IL train accident: Chicago woman killed in train-SUV collision

New Source: JusticeNewsFlash.comLegal News for Illinois Train Accident Attorneys. Investigator: “This was human error.” Railroad crossing signals were inactive at the time of a fatal train-SUV crash. News for Illinois train accident lawyers- A motor vehicle collision involving an Amtrak train and SUV resulted in one fatality. University Park, IL—Federal and state investigators reported on […]

Deerfield Beach FL criminal update: 15-year-old charged as adult in beating case

New Source: JusticeNewsFlash.comLegal News for Florida Criminal Attorneys. Wayne Treacy, the 15-year-old who nearly killed a Deerfield Beach Middle School student, was charged as an adult. News for Florida criminal lawyers- Boy charged as adult with attempted murder after attack on Deerfield Beach Middle School student. Deerfield Beach, FL—Prosecutors will charge Wayne Treacy, the 15-year-old […]

Washington D.C. automobile accident: 1 killed, 6 injured in car vs. van crash

New Source: JusticeNewsFlash.comLegal News for District of Columbia Auto Accident Attorneys. A fiery car-van collision killed one motorist and left six others injured in Southeast Washington, D.C. Washington D.C. auto accident lawyer alert- A motor vehicle collision involving a Toyota Camry and van resulted in a fire, one fatality and six others injured. Washington, DC—A […]

Lombard IL 18-wheeler accident: Pedestrian pinned under van after collision

New Source: JusticeNewsFlash.comLegal News for Illinois 18-Wheeler Accident Attorneys. A Lombard, Illinois motor vehicle accident involving a semi, van, and two pedestrians sent three to area hospitals. Illinois 18-wheeler accident lawyer alert- At least three people, including two pedestrians, were injured after a motor vehicle collision involving van and semi-truck occurred. Lombard, IL—A motor vehicle […]