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Legal News for Florida Personal Injury Attorneys. A study suggests the Acreage cancer cluster actually extends throughout south Florida.
Florida personal injury attorney alerts- State health officials, CDC and study authors to discuss cancer cluster study.
West Palm Beach, FL —A new study alleges the pediatric cancer cluster, initially discovered in the Acreage, actually extends throughout much of south Florida. The health information disclosed though the study has seemingly troubled many Acreage residents who have lost property value due to extensive media coverage of the cancer cluster. Officials from the Florida Department of Health and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Dr. Chatchawin Assanasen and Raid Amin, two of the study’s authors, will be in attendance at a meeting held as a means of reviewing classified health data. The meeting will be held Wednesday, March 10, 2010, in Tallahassee, Florida, according to information provided by the Palm Beach Post.
The study will be an important topic of discussion amongst state health officials though they have declined to comment on the matters at hand as of yet. The scheduled meeting is expected to maintain a confidential status for now. Reports stated, “The study, which used the same analysis software as the National Cancer Institute use, found that rates for all types of childhood cancer were elevated from 2000 through 2007 in the state’s northeast and it’s south—an area that appeared to stretch from western Palm Beach and Broward counties to the state’s Gulf Coast and areas north of Lake Okeechobee. It also appeared to included parts of Miami-Dade County and coastal regions from southern Martin to northern Broward counties.” The study was set to be released in the Pediatric Blood & Cancer journal next month.
The study also claims that pediatric brain cancer and tumor occurrences in south Florida were twice as prevalent as they should be in regards to the population, with 52 cases instead of an estimated 24 cases in the years 2006 and 2007.
Legal News Reporter: Sandra Quinlan- Legal News for Florida Personal Injury Lawyers. News Source: – Press Release Distribution