New York Injury News

International mass disaster/terrorist injury news: Moscow explosions kill dozens

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Legal News for Mass Disaster / Terrorist Injury Attorneys. More than three dozen people suffered fatal injuries when two explosions were set off in two Russian subway stations.

Russian officials are expected to investigate two violent explosions, detonated by female suicide bombers, in two central Moscow subway stations.

Moscow—Widespread panic surged through Russian officials and civilians after a pair of violent explosions were detonated in two central Moscow subway stations. The alleged terror acts occurred during the Monday morning rush hour on March 29, 2010, killing approximately 37 people and leaving over 100 others injured at the stations, located in close proximity to the Federal Security Services (F.S.B.) headquarters. Two female suicide bombers, strapped with explosive belts, were reported to be the suspected culprits involved in the devastating terrorist attack, according to information provided by the New York Times.

Reports stated the first of the two explosions was set off at 7:50 a.m. in a railway car at the Lubyanka metro station. Moscow’s mayor, Yuri M. Luzhkov, stated 23 commuters were tragically killed in that explosion. Approximately 40 minutes after the first blast was detonated, another was set off at the Park Kultury station, causing 12 additional casualties. At lease two other victims apparently succumbed to their injuries later on, while over 100 people suffered a range of injuries in the alleged terrorist attack as well.

According to 20-year-old university student Kirill Gribov, who witnessed the second attack, “The explosion was so loud that we all were deafened… Then I remember a cloud of gas coming from the wrecked train in front of us, colored in pink, maybe because of blood. Some people were in panic, some stood still, but all of us somehow found our way outside the station. It was only at the street when I realized what had just happened. Mobile service was blocked, I couldn’t even call my parents, and I had to walk several kilometers because of the traffic.”

A separate November 2009 transportation-related terrorist attack, in which 26 people were killed when a luxury train was derailed after a bomb was detonated on board, was reportedly connected to Muslim insurgents in North Caucasus. Authorities now fear Muslim extremists may continue to jeopardize public safety. A Chechen rebel leader, known as Doku Umarov, allegedly made online threats in February, stating, “If Russians think that the war is happening only on television, far from the Caucasus, and it will not touch them, then we are going to show them that this war will return to their homes”. Federal officials are expected to probe the disastrous subway attacks.

Legal News Reporter: Sandra Quinlan- Legal News for Mass Disaster / Terrorist Injury Lawyers.

News Source: – Press Release Distribution

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