New York Injury News

Law Firm Marketing: Embrace ‘Generation Y’ and ‘LOL’ All the way to the Bank!

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10/05/2010 // West Palm Beach, Florida, USA // Rene Perras…… Le Buzz // Rene Perras

Twitter, Facebook, Texting, You Tube, Emails and Instant Messaging has taken the world by storm, creating a whole new language that Generation Y, often referred to as “Generation Me,” uses to communicate with one another, locate friends, services and products, and just to have fun. TTYL, LOL, BRB, ROFL may seem like a foreign, poorly put together language to the Baby Boomers, but to Generation Y this is common, everyday vernacular, which law firm marketers need to pay attention to if they want their law firm to get noticed, and ultimately hired.

Generation Y, which refers to the 16-33-year-old demographic, has developed their own way of viewing the world; thanks to the help of social media, the Internet and texting. Generation Y has effectively changed “the marketing game,” by demanding more of an “experience.”

Generation Y believes in inclusion, and the “experience” of a product or service. Authenticity, longevity and a proven track record are more important than how fast the car drives, or the luxurious amenities that the product offers. They want something to talk about, engage in and rally behind.

Law firms can offer a unique experience to Generation Y, by approaching and making contact via the Internet. Creating Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and You Tube accounts will give your law firm an accessible avenue to reach the younger audience; and yes, young people need lawyers too. Through these social media pages, the attorneys or law firms can start conversations with their “followers” or “friends,” by posting thought provoking questions through tweets and wall postings. By doing this you can gain their trust and confidence as they will see your law firm as an “equal” and someone who can understand them.

Younger generations are cautious when choosing a lawyer, usually not knowing where to go, or who can help them. Being easily accessible through the social media pages, or even instant messenger, potential clients can contact your law firm with the press of a button to have their legal question answered in an arena where they feel comfortable.

“They [Generation Y] grew up at a time where it was easy to do research before making a purchase, these shoppers like to know they’re getting a good deal… their strongest traits turns out to be a kind of money savviness usually associated with older generations.” confirmed U.S. News and World Report.

Posting testimonials that are engaging, modern, upbeat and feature someone from Gen Y can help give them the all around experience that they are seeking. Testimonials have often been boring, dated and frankly depressing to the younger generations. Lawyers will need to implement a new, fun, and uplifting message to their testimonials to get Generation Y to pick up the phone and call. They are already scared about having to hire a lawyer to represent them, so try to make the experience less stressful and comforting.

Even the Huffington Post agrees, stating, “Anyone who has denigrated or ignores Generation Y does so at his own peril, as our country is on the verge of a generational tipping point that will change our society unlike anything we’ve seen in 50 years… Gen Y is the largest consumer group in U.S. History and will soon be as important—and eventually more important—than the Baby Boomers.”

Any law firm who notices the growing generation and their likes and dislikes will surely be “LOL-ing” all the way to the bank.

For more information on law firm marketing, website design for attorneys, SEO for law firms or Smart News Technology, contact Rene Perras or visit

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Address: 215 south olive, west palm beach, fl 33401
Phone: 720-ONE-RENE
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