New York Injury News

Raleigh NC Civil Rights News: Lesbian Couple Kicked Out of Shopping Center

New Source:
10/18/2010 // West Palm Beach, FL, US // Sandra Quinlan // Sandra Quinlan

Raleigh, NC—The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is expected to probe an incident in which a lesbian couple claimed they were discriminated against while at Cameron Village. According to an October, 16, 2010 ABC Local report, two women were kicked off the property after holding hands and kissing each other on the cheek in public.

Caitlin Breedlove, a gay rights activist, and her girlfriend were enjoying their Wednesday at Cameron Village when a York Properties security guard approached them. Breedlove explained, “We had our arm around each other, kissed each other,” before the security guard asked them to leave the property.

Breedlove went on to state, “And at that point, we asked, ‘Would that be the same if was a man or a woman?’ Because we see a lot of men and women walking around, holding hands being affectionate and she said, ‘No.’… It’s because you’re same sex, and it’s not appropriate.”

Breedlove alleged a security supervisor also forced them to leave on the basis of sexual orientation, noting, “And as we got up to leave, we took each other’s hands again and he said to us, ‘See, you want it to be public, you want people to see.’”

York Properties released a statement concerning the incident, which reads in part:

“Cameron Village is a family friendly shopping center that welcomes the entire community. We sincerely regret Wednesday’s events, and have attempted to contact Ms. Breedlove and invite her to meet up with us… The officer’s actions do not reflect the views of Cameron Village and York Properties. The officer involved was immediately suspended. The supervising officer and all security officers will receive additional sensitivity training.”

The ACLU is looking into the couple’s allegations.

Legal News Reporter: Sandra Quinlan- Legal News for North Carolina Civil Rights Lawyers.

Media Information:

Phone: (866) 598-1315
Url: Sandra Quinlan: West Palm Beach Injury News News Source: – Press Release Distribution

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