New York Injury News

Botched Care at Palo Alto VA Hosptial Left Vet Blind; $250K Settlement Awarded

New Source:
11/09/2010 // West Palm Beach, FL, US // Sandra Quinlan // Sandra Quinlan

Palo Alto, CA—A medical malpractice lawsuit filed against the federal government was settled for $250,000, according to a Nov. 8, 2010 Mercury News report. An 87-year-old veteran brought on the litigation in March, alleging a breach of the standard of care at the Palo Alto veterans hospital left him legally blind.

David E. Woodward Sr. filed a lawsuit, claiming medical negligence on the part of. Given that Woodward was diagnosed as a “glaucoma suspect” in 2004, an ophthalmologist should have been there to review and supervise his treatment.

Although hospital policy requires such action to be taken, this was not the case for Woodward and several others. During the next four years of his life, the VA hospital apparently failed to provide Woodward with any treatment for onset glaucoma.

The lawsuit claimed he visited the VA hospital several times, in which he was allegedly informed of his risk for glaucoma. Woodward was one of eight patients the VA Palo Alto Health Care System contacted in 2009.

The Palo Alto VA hospital sent letters to patients, stating in part, “We have recently reviewed your eye care and determined that some of the vision loss you suffered may have been preventable had you received a different course of therapy.”

Woodward’s lawsuit contended the botched medical care he received caused him to become legally blind. The suit also alleged he “suffered physical and emotional pain, including anxiety and depression.”

The U.S. government settled the case recently, agreeing to pay Woodward a sum of $250,000. Though the government did not admit any liability in the settlement, the medical malpractice attorney representing Woodward said the agreement “speaks for itself.”

The lawyer added, “You can draw your own conclusions… They paid some substantial money,” noting that the elderly veteran settled the case because “he wanted to enjoy the next couple years of his life and not spend it in the courtroom.”

Legal News Reporter: Sandra Quinlan- Legal News for California Medical Malpractice Lawyers.

Media Information:

Phone: (866) 598-1315
Url: Sandra Quinlan: West Palm Beach Injury News News Source: – Press Release Distribution

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