06/30/2011 // WPB, FL, USA // Personal Injury Lawyers News // Nicole Howley
Yet again, I pose this question: “Since when is it the government’s job to help our country lose weight?” The U.S. is the land of the free; and if people want to consumer sugary and fattening products with full knowledge of what it does to our bodies, then let them! The best thing our government could do is educate consumers more and let them make their own lifestyle decisions. An educated consumer makes wiser choices when selecting foods to eat and drink.
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Phone: 561-247-1646
Url: West Palm Beach Personal Injury Lawyer News
Read the full story on:Study: Can a Soda Tax Help Curb Obesity? Read more: http://healthland.time.com/2011/06/30/study-can-a-soda-tax-help-curb-obesity/#ixzz1QmV9BAxr