New York Injury News

Survey Reports that Many Employers Have Not Implemented Social Media and Networking Policies

New Source:
/ 09/14/2011

According to a recent survey of employers, just over half of the responding employers have implemented social media and networking policies. “Social media” refers to the use of internet-based and mobile technologies for interactive dialogue to enable individuals to participate in the creation of the content. Social media includes internet forums, blogs, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and Facebook.


While more than seventy-five percent of the respondents use social networking for business purposes, just fifty-five percent have implemented social media policies for their employees. Significantly, forty-three percent of the respondents have dealt with employee misuse of social networks and nearly one third have disciplined employees for social network misuse.


Establishing a social media and networking policy enables an employer to mitigate certain risks associated with social networks. A strong social media policy can help an employer avoid embarrassing public relations issues (such as an employee posting negative comments about an employer) and can help an employer prevent legal problems (such as the release of information protected by a non-disclosure agreement).


To speak to a Dallas, Texas employment law attorney about drafting and implementing a social media policy or about another employment law issue, contact the Dallas employment lawyers at Clouse Dunn LLP at 


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