Raleigh, North Carolina, United sates , 04/01/2021 / VIP Capital Funding /

Joshua Triplett CEO of VIP Capital Funding who specializes in helping small-mid sized businesses procedure capital as a leading fin-tech industry in the nation sees a bright future for small-mid sized businesses With the new Biden Administration settling in, many businesses who applied for the Paycheck Protection Program, PPP 2.0 have been delayed, due to more people applying at once along with the additional verification. Curfews are being lifted along with masks not being required. Herd immunity to COVID-19 is developing along with vaccines. More people are no longer feeling the gloom and doom of COVID-19, opposed to all of 2020. This is excellent news for businesses nationwide.
In addition to all of this, hundreds of thousands of businesses have been left on hold for PPP 2.0, with the extension in place to May 31, 2021; businesses can be rest assured that their loan will streamline and be approved. Along with this, starting April 6th businesses can apply for additional EIDL capital up to $500,000; opposed to the maximum of $150,000 in 2020. This spells great news across the board as this is an indication that the economy will soon recover, more jobs will be created, and hundreds of thousands of businesses will prosper and settle in by Q3 of 2021.
Further VIP Capital Funding helps businesses with working capital that can be deployed within 24-48 hours. Businesses who make purchases in bulk at discounted rates between 20%-40%+ can benefit from the working capital VIP Capital Funding is able to provide. Joshua Triplett and his officers have continued to march through the resistance of these unfortunate times and have helped several hundred businesses who have shown great gratitude in the financial problems VIP Capital Funding has been able to solve.
Joshua Triplett advises and encourages business owners to have confidence as the future is bright, and VIP Capital Funding and their officers are here to help with the Paycheck Protection Program, PPP 2.0, EIDL and any additional working capital.
Despite the frustration many businesses have been facing which has been a combination of COVID-19, SBA delays, and commitments to their own vendors; Joshua Triplett remains optimistic that will soon change.
In reminisce to 2020 when the Paycheck Protection Program and EIDL were easier to procure, 2021 has put a strain on businesses due to the SBA delays and peculiar declines. VIP Capital Funding has aggressively been helping businesses throughout this time frame and have made it easier on businesses through their hands on dedicated approach in procuring businesses the capital that they need to keep their business running, and to protect the livelihoods of their employees. This has resulted with many grateful clientele and a highly reviewed reputation for VIP Capital Funding. The company is working ahead of the curve, and is wanting to gather as many businesses in need as possible.
As of March 29th 2021, a lot of great news has come out as the EIDL has been extended to $500,000 as additional capital which will be implemented on April 6th 2021. The PPP 2.0 has been extended to May 31st, and VIP Capital Funding’s private investors and lenders are becoming more aggressive in the offers they are able to present.
If your business is in need, many banks have let a lot of business owners down as they have become understaffed and overwhelmed. As a renown Fin-tech company nationwide, VIP Capital Funding has been able to successfully get the job done faster and much more smoothly. Please get in contact with us if your business is in need of financial assistance, we will be sure to help.
Contact Details
You may get in touch with Joshua Triplett via his LinkedIn or Twitter handle.
VIP Capital Funding contact information:
Website: https://vipcapitalfunding.com/
Office Phone- 800-735-7754
Email- consultation@vipcapitalfunding.com
Will Winston, Vice President
Direct- 919-521-8954
Email- will.winston@vipcapitalfunding.com
Cheynne Chong, Director of Risk Management
Direct- 919-521-8451
Email- cheynne@vipcapitalfunding.com
Carlos Hernandez, Senior Vice President
Direct- 919-300-0203
Email- carlos@vipcapitalfunding.com
Kenneth Lewis, Chief Financial Officer
Direct- (661) 449-7305
Email- kenneth@vipcapitalfunding.com
Source: finchdigitalmedia
Release ID: 17569
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