New York Law Requires that Contractors Take Precautions Against Fire with Specific Steps

By Michael N. Block, Esq — New York City, New York  — New York Injury News —   According to the United States Fire Administration (“USFA”), in 2005 there were 10 fire deaths per million people in New York State.  Last year, fire killed more Americans than all natural disasters combined. (Source; USFA: Fire Statistics […]

Congress Shelves $10.9 Billion Health Care Bill for Ground Zero Workers

Congress recently shelved a $10.9 billion federal health care bill for sick 9/11 workers. The City, through Mayor Bloomberg, opposed the bill because of a provision that would require it to pay $500 million of the total cost of the health program over the next 10 years. Many New Yorkers, directly affected by the attacks […]

Environmental Toxins: The Lethal Danger of Mold

We live in the age of environmental awareness. With the prices of oil and natural gas sky-rocketing in the commodities market, it is no wonder that we are striving, more than ever, to be greener in our search for alternative, eco-friendly and efficient ways to generate energy. Recycling and making an effort to eat organic […]